Friday, April 20, 2012

A Great Start

Last night's Town Hall Meeting was a great start to what many of us hope will be a positive, community-wide endeavor to improve the recreational facilities in Mt. Lebanon.  I believe the feedback that was delivered by those in attendance was quite clear - we need to treat our recreational facilities as assets rather than liabilities.  As we heard last night, this sentiment applies equally to the athletics fields, the garden plots, the swimming pool, the parks, the ice rink and every other recreational outlet that makes our community a unique place to live, work and raise a family.

There have been other meetings like the one that took place last night, and unfortunately those resulted in little or no action.  It is critical that we maintain the spirit and momentum that was so evident last night so that we can truly make a difference.

The purpose of this website is twofold - to hopefully provide a clearing house for information relative to the process as it progresses and to offer a place to share ideas, comments and discussion.  Please be respectful.  I don't view this an issue that should cause anyone to stoop to personal attacks or insults.  I am willing to accept anonymous comments, but I would prefer that everyone feel comfortable enough to use their own name.  I've come to understand that opinions presented by "real" people are valued more heavily than those who try to hide behind the anonymity afforded by the Internet.  That said, I understand that some people are simply more comfortable providing their input anonymously and I don't want to discourage those opinions and ideas.

If you have suggestions or would like to author a post for this blog, please feel free to email me at  Thanks!

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